about our worship

Southminster celebrates God’s love, grace, glory and presence every Sunday morning starting at 10:30am.


At Southminster, we offer a variety of vibrant music from various genres that guide us in praise and worship. Our music ranges from the most popular Christian praise music of today to beloved hymns of our faith, often reimagined and configured for our praise band.

Our worship services last about one hour, and incorporate music, prayer and the proclamation of God’s word.

Pastor Dan Oedy typically teaches in a four to six week sermon series with a common thread or emphasis. Messages are designed to help worshipers understand God’s activity and wisdom for their everyday lives.

On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate the Lord’s Supper as Communion is offered to all in attendance who have put their faith in trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. At this time, an invitation is offered to all to recognize Christ as the Lord of their lives and the savior of the world. Communion is offered to all Christians, regardless of any worldly and temporal distinctions or differences.


See for yourself by watching recorded services (below), or better yet, visit us this Sunday at 10:30am.

Sunday Worship

Indoor service from 10:30am to 11:30am.



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Welcomed to everybody.
Casual attire with guaranteed smiles.



1401 Hoffman Road
Gastonia, NC 28054

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