adults ministry

Crossroads Logo


Crossroads is a group of young adults who are finishing college and career training, starting in a new field or are in their first few years of their career. Generally speaking, they are at a wonderful and challenging “crossroad” in life; the future is full of potential and possibilities. Crossroads is a great place for these young adults to discover what God has in store for them!




Foundations Logo

Foundations is a group for young adults who are starting to settle into family and career routines. They are setting the “foundations” of a faithful life for themselves and their families. This is a great place for them to share the joys and challenges that come during this season of life.



Pack Logo


PACK stands for parents and Christ’s Kingdom. The PACK meets on Sunday nights at 5:00pm while their elementary, middle and high school students enjoy the Kidzown program. PACK is a great place for sharing friendship and faith.





134 Grace Place Logo


134 Grace Place is exactly as it sounds; a place for grace; and a place to grow in our knowledge of how to live a life in response to God’s grace. This small group meets for fellowship, study and reflection on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Monday’s nights of the month.




Seekers Class Logo


The Seeker’s class meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15am in the Discipleship Room. This class covers a variety of topics as they study God’s word together.





Covenant Class Logo


The Covenant class meets on Sunday morning at 9:15am in the Parlor. The class covers a variety of topics as they study God’s word together.




Sunday Worship

Indoor service from 10:30am to 11:30am.



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Watch our videos on YouTube.


Welcomed to everybody.
Casual attire with guaranteed smiles.



1401 Hoffman Road
Gastonia, NC 28054

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