job listings

We are dedicated to reaching out with the love of Jesus, transforming lives with the word of God, and sending forth disciples to serve in the Spirit. Discover how you can be a part of our mission.

If you feel called to join our team and contribute to our mission, we encourage you to apply for one of our open positions.


Southminster Presbyterian Church is a family of faith committed to biblical teaching, vibrant worship and authentic community. Southminster is seeking a dynamic, highly motivated and passionate individual to serve as our part-time Church Administrator. The individual selected to serve in this role will be nurtured, prayed for, supported and emboldened as they help lead our congregation.

Southminster is located in Gastonia, North Carolina, a growing and active satellite city of Charlotte.

  • Current Membership: 385
  • Average worship attendance: 230 (150 on campus / 80 online)

Expectations of the Church Administrator:

As a servant leader of the congregation, the Church Administrator is expected to live a life that is worthy of Christian leadership. This individual is accountable to the Personnel Committee of the Session of Southminster Presbyterian Church. The Church Administrator will be supervised by and directly responsible to the Pastor who will define work activities. This position will complete annual reviews and goal setting initiatives with the pastor and Personnel Committee members. The Administration Committee and Elders of Southminster Presbyterian Church ultimately determine ongoing employment.

In growing churches, it is important that someone other than the pastor be able to respond to the many issues that occur daily. This position is expected to ensure the direction set by the pastor is implemented and that there is accountability in the day-to-day operations of the church and facility.

The Church Administrator should have excellent communication and listening skills. This position is a valuable point of contact for many activities in the life of the congregation. The individual should consistently interact with the congregation and community, with grace, encouragement and enthusiasm. The individual should treat the resources of the congregation with integrity and transparency, while following all financial and child protection policies of the congregation.

Responsibilities and Duties:

The Church Administrator is responsible for a wide variety of managerial, technical, and clerical responsibilities to support the ministries and mission of the church to include but not limited to:

  • Be a visible leader who actively contributes to the growth and health of the church, and is committed to executing the vision of Southminster Church, as determined by the Pastor and Elders.
  • Place an emphasis on streamlining existing, or implementing new processes, based on best practices for efficiencies in cost and time management.
  • Provide office administration daily, overseeing facility usage and scheduling facility repairs in concert with the Building & Grounds ministry volunteers.
  • Collect and assimilate information for church newsletter and publications. Currently, the congregation uses Constant Contact for weekly email newsletters. A bulletin is prepared weekly, and updates are made as needed to the website and social media.
  • Handle deposits, billing and payment preparation as needed and while following proper protocols.
  • Support the Elders of the congregation and the Clerk of Session by keeping accurate records.
  • Work with the Administration Ministry at Southminster Church, to support their efforts and objectives.
  • Coordinate building use: scheduling, set-up, clean up, and security. Other duties as assigned by Pastor and Elders
  • Other duties as assigned by Pastor and Elders

Basic Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree is preferred
  • Two years applicable experience in is desired

Qualification and Skills:

  • Demonstrated passion for the church of Jesus Christ bearing fruit in our world
  • Demonstrated project management skills
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate (both written and oral) in a clear, concise and effective manner in all levels of an organization
  • Ability to deliver superior results within allocated time through effective prioritization, scheduling, planning and execution of assigned work, showing strong organizational skills and ability to work productively with little supervision, while multi-tasking and prioritizing assignments
  • Demonstrated ability to adapt to changing processes, regulations, responsibilities
  • Demonstrated effective analytical, problem solving, and decision-making skills
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience with Microsoft Office suite applications, including Excel and PowerPoint, experience with Constant Contact is a desired skill
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain a pleasant and professional attitude and sound interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrated ability to manage confidential information with integrity

Work Hours:

  • Part Time with hourly compensation
  • 20-30 hours per week, with full-time position a future possibility
  • Desired schedule Monday-Thursday 8:30-1:30 / program hours as needed

Termination of Employment: A two-week notice is expected prior to resignation.

To apply for this position, or for more information:


Southminster Presbyterian Church is a community of faith focused on our core values of biblical teaching, vibrant worship and authentic community. Southminster is seeking a dynamic, highly motivated, and passionate individual to serve as our part-time Transform Ministry Coordinator. Our Transform Ministry is based on Romans 12:2 and the insight that as followers of Jesus, we should “be transformed by the renewing of our minds”; rather than being conformed to the patterns of the world.

The Transform Ministry Coordinator will work with the worship and discipleship ministries of the church to help us accomplish this goal in the life of the congregation. The individual selected to serve in this role will be nurtured, prayed for, supported and emboldened as they help lead our congregation.

Southminster is located in Gastonia, North Carolina, a growing and active satellite city of Charlotte.

  • Current Membership: 385
  • Average worship attendance: 230 (150 on campus / 80 online)


As a servant leader of the congregation, the Transform Ministry Coordinator is expected to live a life that is worthy of Christian leadership. This individual is accountable to the Personnel Committee and the Elders of Southminster Presbyterian Church. The Transform Ministry Coordinator will be supervised by and directly responsible to the Pastor, who will define work activities. This position will complete annual reviews and goal setting initiatives with the pastor and Personnel Committee members. The Administration Committee and Elders of Southminster Presbyterian Church ultimately determine ongoing employment.

The Transform Ministry Coordinator should have excellent communication, collaboration and listening skills. This position will coordinate volunteers and help to organize the educational ministries of the church and the worshipping life of the congregation. There are many volunteers already dedicated to serving in these ministries and this position will support and enhance their efforts.

Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Help recruit and organize volunteers for educational ministries; supporting their efforts to teach God’s word and Jesus’ example to our children and congregation and recognizing volunteers for their service.
  • Serve as a resource for programs and ideas, primarily for children’s ministry, but at times working with staff and volunteers to expand and enhance the small group and adult classes offered at Southminster.
  • As needed the Transform Ministry Coordinator should also be able to support the youth ministry of the congregation.
  • Work with the praise team volunteers and existing Worship Coordinator to provide an excellent worship experience.
  • Work with the Pastor to connect the themes of worship and discipleship in the congregation.
  • Ensure that music is both theologically appropriate and in line with the desired style of worship.
  • Place an emphasis on streamlining existing, or implementing new processes, based on best practices for efficiencies in cost and time management.
  • Other duties as assigned by Pastor and Elders

Basic Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree is preferred
  • Two years applicable experience is desired

Qualification and Skills:

  • Demonstrated passion for the church of Jesus Christ bearing fruit in our world
  • Demonstrated project management skills
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate (both written and oral) in a clear, concise and effective manner in all levels of an organization
  • Ability to deliver superior results within allocated time through effective prioritization, scheduling, planning and execution of assigned work, showing strong organizational skills and ability to work productively with little supervision, while multi-tasking and prioritizing assignments
  • Demonstrated ability to adapt to changing processes, regulations, responsibilities
  • Demonstrated effective analytical, problem solving, and decision-making skills
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience with Microsoft Office suite applications, including Excel and PowerPoint, experience with Constant Contact is a desired skill
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain a pleasant and professional attitude and sound interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrated ability to manage confidential information with integrity

Work Hours:

  • Part Time with hourly compensation
  • 8-12 hours per week, with a full-time position a future possibility
  • Flexible work schedule dependent upon programming schedule

Termination of Employment:

  • A two-week notice is expected prior to resignation.

To apply for this position, or for more information:


Southminster Presbyterian Church is a family of faith committed to biblical teaching, vibrant worship and authentic community. Southminster is seeking a dynamic, highly motivated and passionate individual to serve as our part-time OUTREACH Ministries Coordinator. The individual selected to serve in this role will be nurtured, prayed for, supported and emboldened as they help lead our congregation to create new connections in our community.

Southminster is located in Gastonia, North Carolina, a growing and active satellite city of Charlotte.

  • Current Membership: 385
  • Average worship attendance: 230 (150 on campus / 80 online)

Expectations of the OUTREACH Ministries Coordinator:

As a servant leader of the congregation, the OUTREACH Ministries Coordinator is expected to live a life that is worthy of Christian leadership. The individual should consistently interact with the congregation and community, with grace, encouragement and enthusiasm. The individual should treat the resources of the congregation with integrity and transparency, while following all financial and child protection policies of the congregation.

This individual is accountable to the Personnel Committee of the Session of Southminster Presbyterian Church. This position will be supervised by and directly responsible to the Pastor who will define work activities. This position will complete annual reviews and goal setting initiatives with the pastor and Personnel Committee members. The Administration Committee and Elders of Southminster Presbyterian Church ultimately determine ongoing employment.

Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Be a visible leader who actively contributes to the growth and health of the congregation and community, and is committed to executing the vision of Southminster Church
  • Coordinate and oversee the implementation of internal and external community activities at South-minster. Including but not limited to: Annual adult basketball league
  • Annual youth basketball league
  • Annual adult volleyball league
  • Annual adult softball league
  • Annual youth baseball / softball league
  • Annual youth flag football league
  • Help coordinate Southminster youth ministry activities and events
  • Help coordinate Southminster children’s ministry activities and events
  • Help coordinate congregational activities and events
  • Lead in the coordinating the use of the gymnasium with rental groups
  • Identifying, supervise and coordinate gym monitoring staff
  • Help coordinate summer camps and opportunities for children
  • Oversee the social media and online community engagement for the congregation
  • Other duties as assigned by Pastor and Elders

Basic Qualifications:

  • High School Diploma is required
  • Two years applicable experience is desired

Qualification and Skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree in education, recreational ministries, or related field is desired
  • Demonstrated passion for the church of Jesus Christ
  • Demonstrated project management skills
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate (both written and oral) in a clear, concise and effective manner in all levels of an organization
  • Demonstrated ability to recruit, train and organize volunteers
  • Demonstrated ability to multi-task and prioritize assignments
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to work productively with little supervision
  • Demonstrated ability to teach / lead a classroom or activity for of 5-35 students
  • Demonstrated ability to exercise sound judgment
  • Demonstrated ability to exhibit leadership skills
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain a pleasant and professional attitude and demonstrates sound interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrated ability to manage confidential information with integrity
  • Ability to actively participate in recreational programs as needed

Work Hours:

  • Part Time with hourly compensation
  • 10-15 hours per week, full time position possible with future growth
  • Flexible work schedule dependent upon programming schedule

Termination of Employment:

  • A two-week notice is expected prior to resignation.

To apply for this position, or for more information:


Southminster Presbyterian Church is a family of faith committed to biblical teaching, vibrant worship and authentic community. Southminster is seeking a dynamic, highly motivated and passionate individual to serve as our part-time Engage Ministry Coordinator. The individual selected to serve in this role will be nurtured, prayed for, supported and emboldened as they help lead our congregation.

Southminster is located in Gastonia, North Carolina, a growing and active satellite city of Charlotte.

  • Current Membership: 385
  • Average worship attendance: 230 (150 on campus / 80 online)

Expectations of the ENGAGE MINISTRY Coordinator:

As a servant leader of the congregation, the ENGAGE Ministry Coordinator is expected to live a life that is worthy of Christian leadership. The individual should consistently interact with the congregation and community, with grace, encouragement and enthusiasm. The individual should treat the resources of the congregation with integrity and transparency, while following all financial and child protection policies of the congregation.

This individual is accountable to the Personnel Committee of the Session of Southminster Presbyterian Church. This position will be supervised by and directly responsible to the Pastor who will define work activities. This position will complete annual reviews and goal setting initiatives with the pastor and Personnel Committee members. The Administration Committee and Elders of Southminster Presbyterian Church ultimately determine ongoing employment.

Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Work with the Elders and volunteers to coordinate, recruit and train ushers and greeters
  • Research and develop most effective practice for connecting with first time visitors
  • Oversee follow-up with visitors
  • Maintain a database and develop relationship with new attendees
  • Work with the pastor to coordinate Southminster membership classes as needed
  • Work with the pastor to lead Southminster membership classes
  • Invite regular attendees to participate in membership classes
  • Research and develop effective practice for assisting individuals in finding their place to grow, and to serve
  • Work to help people find their place at Southminster
  • Work with the ENGAGE Ministry to coordinate quarterly congregational fellowship opportunities: Souper Bowl luncheon / Talent Show / Anniversary picnic / Christmas Caroling as well as occasional picnics and potlucks
  • Be a visible leader who actively contributes to the growth and health of the congregation and community, and is committed to executing the vision of Southminster Church
  • Other duties as assigned by Pastor and Elders

Basic Qualifications:

  • High School Diploma
  • Two years applicable experience in church program leadership

Qualification and Skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree is desired
  • Demonstrated passion for the church of Jesus Christ
  • Demonstrated project management skills
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate (both written and oral) in a clear, concise and effective manner in all levels of an organization
  • Demonstrated ability to recruit, train and organize volunteers
  • Demonstrated ability to multi-task and prioritize assignments
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to work productively with little supervision
  • Demonstrated ability to teach / lead a classroom or activity for of 5-35 students/individuals
  • Demonstrated ability to exercise sound judgment
  • Demonstrated ability to exhibit leadership skills
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain a pleasant and professional attitude and demonstrates sound interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrated ability to manage confidential information with integrity

Work Hours:

  • Part Time with hourly compensation
  • 8-10 hours per week
  • Flexible work schedule dependent upon programming schedule

Termination of Employment:

  • A two-week notice is expected prior to resignation.

To Apply for this position, or for more information:

Sunday Worship

Indoor service from 10:30am to 11:30am.



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Welcomed to everybody.
Casual attire with guaranteed smiles.



1401 Hoffman Road
Gastonia, NC 28054

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